# Global Components

A universal link component with internal and external link support:

  • Input:
<VPLink class="nav-link" text="Guide" link="/guide/" rel="guide" />
  • Output:

# <NextSteps />

  • Input:
  <Step href="/guide/getting-started.html" title="Getting Started" description="Learn how to quickly install and use this theme."/>
  <Step href="/config/" title="Config" description="Learn about the configuration of this theme."/>
  <Step href="/guide/migration.html" title="Migration" description="Migrate from other VuePress themes."/>
  • Output:

# <Details />

  • Input:
<Summary>Create <code>.gitignore</code>.</Summary>

echo 'node_modules
dist' >> .gitignore
  • Output:
  Create .gitignore.
echo 'node_modules
dist' >> .gitignore